Week 5

Activity: Workshop 2, problem statement and objective

On week 5, I attended workshop 2 that held online though MS Teams. The workshop was held on Wednesday, 2/11/2022 at 2.30 PM until 4.30 PM. 

In this briefing, the FYP committees have briefed us about:

  • Introduction and Literature Review (Identify the project).
  • Technical proposal writing. 
  • Chapter 1 (Introduction), Chapter 2 (Literature Review) and Chapter 3 (Methodology)

At the end of this workshop, students will be able to:

  • Understand the significance of writing a good technical proposal for FYP 1.
  • Understand the correct ways of writing a solid introduction and literature review chapters in the technical proposal.

Besides, in this week I start to identify the problem statement and objective for my project.

Problem statement:

  • Current CCTV only monitored and record at the pointed area but evaluate the situation. It requires human to evaluate the situation either the area is safe or identify suspicious activity.
  • Safety of residents of the house and the property are at risk when the house is not guarded properly. The effect of home invasion can cause lost life of homeowner, property damaged, and goods will be stolen.
  • Small fire cannot be detected by using smoke detector and it can spread out in the house. Therefore, it can cause lots of property damage to the house and it will cost houseowner fortune.


  • To develop a system that can monitor and evaluate the security of the house in terms of house robbery and burning house.
  • To design a program that can identify a person whether he is the house owner or he is a stranger in the house by using face recognition. 
  • To design a program that can a small fire in the house to prevent burning house.

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