Week 5

In this week, I started to test the functionality of the microcontroller and LDR sensor. To program the Raspberry Pi Pico, I used Thonny software as the IDE. Thonny IDE can be program by using Python language as Raspberry Pi Pico also can be program by using Micro Python.

LDR sensor has 4 pin which are VCC, GND, DO and AO. The VCC and GND are connected to VBUS and ground pin of the microcontroller. To collect the data from the sensor, I have to use AO pin to get the ADC reading. So the AO pin will be connected to pin 26 of the Raspberry Pi Pico. Some coding was used to utilize LDR sensor and Raspberry Pi Pico to get the reading. High reading of LDR sensor indicates that the sensor receives less light intensity while low reading means it receives higher light intensity. All three LDR were tested and functioning well. 

This week also I have finished writing on chapter 1 of my thesis which includes problem statement, objectives, significant, scope and limitations of the project, 

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